The Cope Lab is currently hiring graduate students (M.S. or PhD). Please contact me to apply!
Emily Cope, PhD
Assistant Professor,
Department of Biological Sciences
Assistant Director,
Pathogen and Microbiome Institute
Northern Arizona University
Flagstaff, AZ 86011
Emily <DOT> Cope <AT> nau <DOT> edu
Office: 928-523-6004
RT @BenMicrobesMtg: Session VII Constructing/Harnessing Beneficial Microbes begins with @KatrineWhiteson sharing her work to understand…
If you’re at #BeneficialMicrobesMtg come see @emilyborsom’s poster on the #gutmicrobiomebrainaxis in Alzheimer’s di…
Dog babies. They’re worth it.
Post study section nap… in stages. I think I lost.
RT @KLemonLab: Interested in human nasal microbiota? Apply to be a Research Tech II via this link.
RT @RubenGallego: The fucking former President of the United States tried to lead the coup himself. Assaulted secret service and tried to drive himself.
Whomp whomp. Avoided for 2.5 years. I woke up coughing and congested at 4am so am now crashing at 3pm. Thankful for…